Decision Support Systems: A Group Perspective
点击数:468     发布日期:2019-11-25     发布部门:科技处     主图:     视频:     摄影:

报告题目Decision Support Systems: A Group Perspective

报告人姓名Pascale Zaraté

报告人简介Pascale Zaraté is Professor at Toulouse 1 Capitole University, and conducts her research at the IRIT laboratory (http://www.irit.fr) in the Artificial Intelligence departement. She holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science / Decision Support from the LAMSADE laboratory at the Paris Dauphine University, Paris (1991) and a Habilitation to Conduct Researchin Computer Science / Cooperative Decision Support from the IRIT laboratory at INPT, Toulouse (2005). Pascale Zaraté’s current research interests include: Decision Support Systems; Group Decision Support Systems; Cooperative Decision Making. She is the editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Decision Support Systems Technologies (Ed IGI Global).


